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Francesca Tacchi

My experience with therapists

I recently had a discussion with a troll about never questioning therapists, and it left me with a lot of thoughts on the matter. So here I am, writing a blog post about my experience with therapists and to say that… it’s okay to question them! Which is not to say that you should not trust your therapist, or that you should approach them in an antagonistic manner. Just that therapists are humans too, and as such, they can make… Leggi tutto »My experience with therapists

Thoughts on Spin the Dawn

I’m halfway through this book and I have to say, I’m liking it a LOT. However, I have some issues with its themes that I want to get off my chest. So, here I am, rambling about what I found a bit problematic about Spin the Dawn. StD story follows Maia, a young woman who disguises herself as a man in order to win a contest to become the Emperor’s tailor. It was pitched as Mulan meets Project Runway for… Leggi tutto »Thoughts on Spin the Dawn

Outside the Binary

CW: dysphoria, self harm   The discovery of our gender identity can be a long journey. For me, it’s one that started last year, one I’d like to share on this blog – because sharing helps me keep track of my progress, and make order in my own thoughts. I’ve always identfied as cis-female, even after learning that non-binary is a thing (my best friend is non-binary and they’ve been out for some years), but in hindsight, I should have… Leggi tutto »Outside the Binary

Books and family

CW: suicide, abuse I just finished one of the best book I’ve read in 2019: Jade City, by Fonda Lee. I utterly loved it, it’s a compelling story with unforgettable characters, and I’m already itching to get my hands on the sequel. So, what are you waiting for? Go read it! This won’t be a review, though. Because one of the reasons Lee’s books struck me so hard is that… it revolves around a family, into which I’ve seen my… Leggi tutto »Books and family

Holy sister more like holy fuck

(Sorry in advance for my wonky English, I’m writing this in a rush because I just HAVE TO) This won’t be a proper review, I can’t do those, I’m way too emotional to write them. And I’m definitely too emotional now, since I just finished Holy Sister by Mark Lawrence, third book in the Book of the Ancestor series – or how I call it, the Nunjas Trilogy. And OH BOY what a book. It left me all warm and… Leggi tutto »Holy sister more like holy fuck

On Writing Characters with Mental Illnesses

(Image: The Depression Monster by Toby Allen) CW: Depression, Suicide I suffer from depression. I’ve been diagnosed at the age of ninenteen (I’m now 24) and need constant medication, since there’s something screwed in my serotonine cycle. My grandfather suffered from severe bipolar disorder. My best friend, too, has been diagnosed with depression and anxiety. So, you see, I’m quite familiar with mental illnesses. And because of this, I usually hate, hate, HATE the way they’re portrayed in media (books,… Leggi tutto »On Writing Characters with Mental Illnesses

Hello World!

It’s a-me, Francesca!   First posts are always the worst part of keeping a blog, so what can I say, welcome to my little corner of the Internet. It’s dangerous to stay alone here, so take this!   And stay tuned for exciting – or, at least, mildly interesting – posts to come.   Ciao!