On writing non binary characters

So, you are a cis author who wants to show their support for our community by writing a non binary character. I commend you! However, when writing a non binary character, there are in my opinion as a non binary person some missteps that ough to be avoided. Let me list them here, in this handy short guide on how to write a non binary character. Disclaimer: of course, this doesn’t want to be a perfect, sacred text. Other nonbinary… Leggi tutto »On writing non binary characters

Thoughts on Spin the Dawn

I’m halfway through this book and I have to say, I’m liking it a LOT. However, I have some issues with its themes that I want to get off my chest. So, here I am, rambling about what I found a bit problematic about Spin the Dawn. StD story follows Maia, a young woman who disguises herself as a man in order to win a contest to become the Emperor’s tailor. It was pitched as Mulan meets Project Runway for… Leggi tutto »Thoughts on Spin the Dawn

Outside the Binary

CW: dysphoria, self harm   The discovery of our gender identity can be a long journey. For me, it’s one that started last year, one I’d like to share on this blog – because sharing helps me keep track of my progress, and make order in my own thoughts. I’ve always identfied as cis-female, even after learning that non-binary is a thing (my best friend is non-binary and they’ve been out for some years), but in hindsight, I should have… Leggi tutto »Outside the Binary

Holy sister more like holy fuck

(Sorry in advance for my wonky English, I’m writing this in a rush because I just HAVE TO) This won’t be a proper review, I can’t do those, I’m way too emotional to write them. And I’m definitely too emotional now, since I just finished Holy Sister by Mark Lawrence, third book in the Book of the Ancestor series – or how I call it, the Nunjas Trilogy. And OH BOY what a book. It left me all warm and… Leggi tutto »Holy sister more like holy fuck